Neno Kukuric will present TWAP at World Water Forum


On Thursday 16 April 2015, IGRAC Director Dr. Neno Kukuric will give a presentation on the groundwater component of the Transboundary Waters Assessment Programme (TWAP) at the 7th World Water Forum in the Republic of Korea. This session, 'Building trust : Facilitating data and Information exchange between the riparian countries in transboundary basins', will be held in Daegu from 14:40 until 16:40 and is coordinated by IOWater, INBO, UNESCO-IHP and UNECE

About the session

Transboundary freshwater basins cover 45% of the world's land mass, connecting two or more countries. The management of these vital resources faces many challenges, among which is the need for the regular exchange of data and information. Such an exchange is fundamental for establishing good cooperation between countries, whether for routine water resource operational management or for medium or long-term basin planning, with monitoring of the program of measure and investments.

This session will allow for a sharing of experiences of how to reinforce data and information exchange between riparian countries in transboundary basins. 

About TWAP

The Transboundary Waters Assessment Programme (TWAP) is a two years project. The main objective is to produce the first global assessment of all transboundary water, including Transboundary Aquifers and groundwater systems of the Small Island Developing States (SIDS). A total of 199 transboundary aquifers and 43 SIDS will be covered by the assessment.