Report on Assessing Groundwater Stress published by IGRAC


IGRAC has published an open access report on 'Assessing Groundwater Stress: An approach of measuring groundwater stress based on sub-national statistical data'. This report, written by Benedikt Ahner, presents a scheme on how to process sub-national water withdrawal and use datasets specified by source and sectoral use, for (ground)water stress calculations at various scales.

Assessing Groundwater Stress

Water Balance for Production and Use in a Spatial Unit
Water Balance for Production and Use in a Spatial Unit[

The scheme in 'Assessing Groundwater Stress: An approach of measuring groundwater stress based on sub-national statistical data' was applied on a dataset for German watersheds. To show the potential of high-resolution data IGRAC came up with an approach for processing sub-national (ground)water withdrawal and use data to calculate the groundwater stress for Germany by federal state and sub-watersheds (river basin sub-districts).