Good practices for sharing groundwater geospatial data

Good practices for sharing groundwater geospatial data

August 2020

Authors: Hans van der Kwast (IHE-Delft), Arnaud Sterckx (IGRAC) and Raquel Sousa (IGRAC)

Acknowledgment: This document was developed as part of the project “Expansion of the SADC Groundwater Information Portal (SADC-GIP)”, commissioned by the SADC Groundwater Management Institute (SADC-GMI) and executed by the IGRAC in collaboration with IHE-Delft.

This document is published under Creative Commons license Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0). Under this license, credit must be given to the creator, and adaptations must be shared under the same terms. More information on the terms and conditions is available at

Preferred citation

SADC-GMI, IHE-DELFT and IGRAC (2020) Good practices for sharing groundwater geospatial data.