Online GIS training organised for young professionals from Southern Africa


On 7, 8 and 10 September 2020, an online GIS training for hydrogeological applications was held for young professionals from Southern Africa. This training, organised by SADC-GMI, IGRAC and IHE Delft, built upon a recently held online QGIS training and aimed at further capacitating the young professionals. The training was held in a blended learning format, composed of live session with lectures and training instructions as well as practical sessions with step-by-step tutorials. This training was organised within the framework of the project Expansion of SADC-GIP and all material is now also freely available as open courseware.

The training covered three main topics, namely: gathering and sharing data, field data collection and data analysis. Lectures, tutorials, training data and videos have all been made publicly available below. 

Gathering and sharing data 

Tutorial: Collect Open Data from online sourcesBook

Tutorial: Process groundwater data in QGISBook

Field data collection 

Tutorial: Create a field data collection app for groundwater studiesBook

Data analysis

Tutorial: Create a groundwater level map from borehole data and a DEMBook

Data: Create a groundwater level map from borehole data and a DEMBook

Tutorial: Spatial Analysis of Accessibility of Wells using Map AlgebraBook

Data: Spatial Analysis of Accessibility of Wells using Map AlgebraBook