IGRAC at IGWCO annual meeting, New York


The Annual Integrated Global Water Cycle Observations (IGWCO) Community of Practice Science and Planning meeting was held in the City College of the City University of New York (CUNY) on February 25 and 26, 2010. A workshop on 'Water Resource Assessment and Applications' was held prior to this meeting on February 23 and 24, 2010 at the same location.

The main objectives and goals of this year's meeting was to:

  • review the activities related to GEO (Group on Earth Observation) Water Societal Benefit Area.
  • identify and initiate New Water Cycle activities based on major recommendations from past workshops held in previous years.
  • determine how the IGWCO Community of Practice will interface with GEO and other international bodies in the coming years.

Within GEO, the sub-task on groundwater withing the water task 'WA-08-01: Integrated Products for Water Resource Management and Research' is lead by IGRAC.