Introducing Quick Edit - October 2019

Another new item when using Drupal 8 is Quick Edit/Edit.

Some sections of the site have quick edit functionality available. To access it hover over, for instance, the body copy on the homepage, and click on the contextual link cog that appears top right of the content. Choose quick edit. You can now edit the content in place on the page. Make sure to click save after you have finished your changes. The save button appears as soon as you make a change to the content.

Quick edit is helpful for making small quick text changes. Not all content is available for quick edit (views results et al). Let's have a try.

  1. Navigate to Projects
  2. Choose ISARM
  3. Click the edit pen/contextual link cog top right hand side of the page
  4. Choose 'quick edit'
  5. Edit away.
  6. Save!